Friday, December 4, 2015

Steven Universe Rant

Recently I've watched all of the currently available episodes of Steven Universe and now I have very many concerns about when the new episodes maybe coming out. There's lots of talk about Steven Universe being cancelled and if that was to happen I'd seriously cry and probably decided to try and make my own fan made continuation of the series. But if I did try to do that I'd fail because I have crap drawing skills and basically no animation skills of the sort. Not to mention I suck at composing music and voice acting. Although I could probably write some pretty awesome fanfics and lyrics. :) Hopefully all of the chatter and gossip about the show being cancelled is just that, chatter and gossip. Steven Universe has a really awesome story to tell and it needs to be told! Well at least finished somewhat and not just left on a cliffhanger. >~< There's still so much left in mystery and shadow that needs to be explained! There's also a ton of character background and growth that needs to be explored and happen! So yeah, not much a rant but I still needed to talk about it. ^w^

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Updates and Such ;3

I know that I haven't really been keeping up with my blogs recently so I thought that I'd post now. :3 I decided to audition for the Maid Cafe that we have down here and I'm anxiously waiting for the results so I can see if I get in or not! XD I got myself a job and so nowI've got a source of income so I can buy myself cosplays and such. :3 I'll also be updating my 'Cosplay Closet' tab sometime this week. So look forward to that! ;3


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fannatiku Fest 2015 Day 2

Soooo sorry for not posting sooner! Well, now I'm going to tell you all about my adventures at Fannatiku Fest 2015 Day 2! XD

So as I mentioned in the last post I stayed up till 3am working on my bodice/corset for my formal/fancy Elsa... which lead to me sleeping in and not being able to leave til almost noon. >_> stupid chores.... So I finally arrived at the convention center around 11:30ish. I was supposed to meet up with my friends from the anime club but I wasn't able to find them, only our advisor. :P Oh, and did I mention that I was ice dress Elsa for the first half of my time at the con? Yeah, I was awesome! XD People actually asked me if they could take my picture!!! XXXDDD DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT MAKES ME HAPPY BEING A COSPLAYER?!?!?! VERY HAPPY, THAT'S WHAT!!! XXXDDD Trust me, if a cosplayer has just started cosplaying at at their first or second con someone asks to take their picture is like the most awesome thing ever!!! It's saying that people are recognizing them as being good at what they love to do! Even just a compliment makes a beginner cosplayer's day! Ok, now that I've ranted about that back to my adventures! XD

So I met up with my friend Monica, she was cosplaying as Empress Homestuck troll, I can't remember who it was specifically. It may have been Fefari (idk if that's even how you spell her name. -_-;;; ) but I'm not entirely sure about if that's even who she was. :P I had to look around for her a little bit because I couldn't find her. >_< I found her in the cosplay chess room, she was participating in it this year. :3 I got her 'death' on film and you can watch it on my Fannatiku Fest vlog! :D I will have that up soon...... maybe...... hopefully..... >_> after vloging a bit we ran around the con as the rest of the chess match continued. Not entirely sure what we did in that time and that's what happens when you wait almost a full week before writing all of this stuff down! ^_^;;;; But when we when back into the chess room the match had just ended and they were asking if anyone would like to join the second round if they hadn't signed up for the first, and I was all like "HECK YEAH!!! LET'S DO THIS THING!!!" XXXDDD I ended up being the white bishop. :3 and I died.... but that's ok because it was fun! XD I really wished someone had recorded the second chess match so that I could've been all; "Oh snap! You see that Elsa?! Heck yeah that was me! See how bada...awesome I was?!" XD ^_^;;; And there there was the CMV vloggie thing that Master Rufus (one of the con's mascots) made, WHICH I AM IN. And not only was I in it once but TWICE!!! XXXDDD If you would like to see it please click this link: \\ Fannatiku 2015 // I am the awesome Elsa. ^w^

After the cosplay chess we all hung around a bit and then went out for lunch. We took a big group, like 6 people, and went to the cafe on the college campus in town. We bought a total of about $70 worth of food. And here's the catch, we didn't have to pay for any of it! How crazy is that?! XD I talk about it more in my vlog so watch it when it comes out for more details. :) Then we all came back to the con and ate, while eating my feet started to hurt and so a very nice Slender cosplayer gave me a very nice and relaxing foot massage. :3 So thank you to whoever that Slender cosplayer was because you made my feet feel wonderful. ^w^ After all of that stuff we went back inside and hung out for a bit. I got roped into volunteering for this video for someone's website and it ended up being a ton of fun! ^w^

By the time everything was said and done it was almost time for the Masquerade to start. So I went out to my car and grabbed my Formal/fancy Elsa. I had just the base done, none of the fancy smancy detailing (which I will get done at some point!), and changed into it. I got a lot of people who wanted to take my pic and it made me so happy!!! :D After wandering the halls a bit we, Moni and I along with Moni's friend, went in and got seating for the Masquerade. We sat in the second row from the front and I took up three seats. :D Well, I sat in one chair and my huge skirt took up the other two. ^w^;;; The Masquerade was awesome, I recorded one skit which you can watch here: Kingdom Hearts Skit at Fannatiku Fest 2015 We also met some really awesome cosplayers while waiting for the Masquerade to start. Their cosplay names are V-Fire Cosplay and RENNAgade Cosplay they are awesome and you should check them out. :D

After the Masquerade we all hung out some more and watched the Otaku Dreams Cosplay Cafe perform for all of us. I hope that some one recorded it so I can watch it again! :D If you would like to find out more about them here's their Facebook page: Otaku Dreams Cosplay Cafe I participated in the cafe a little while ago when it was called Rufus' Maid Cafe. The year I participated was the last year that it was called that. They used to do theme cafes such as Clamp characters and Vocaloid. Now they've made it so that they will be making a real cafe where you can buy food and have them entertain you. :3 They are a lovely bunch and you should definitely check them out when you can! :D

After all of that happened we got kicked out so they could prepare for the Wiggle Fest, which is basically just a dance/family friendly rave. It was a ton of fun and I taught my friend Rae how to dance the waltz. :) After hours of laughing and being silly and dancing, my feet were really sore and it was time that the con ended. D: This fact makes me really sad that it's over but It makes me so excited to see how many people will attend next year! Afterward I finally walked out to my car, seeing as you can't really drive (much less sit down!) in a hoop skirt, I had to take it off. Luckily I had shorts on underneath, of course I was wearing these tiny shorts and a corset.... yeah, not the best thing to be walking around in....... =_=;;; Honestly I'll say this now, but I looked like a hooker version of Elsa. I'm so glad that it was past midnight when I left so that little children, and their parents, didn't see me in that state of dress. >_< I arrived home around 12:15am and finally went to bed at 1 in the morning. I'll sign off for now but I'll see you all again next year! :D

~ Kenna-chan

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fannatiku Fest 2015 Day 1

Fannatiku Fest day one was on March 27, 2015 this year. I'm so happy that I was able to go!!! XD I was almost not able to go at all because of financial issues, those were solved the night before Fannatiku. ^_^ so with that out of the way I was able to attend Fannatiku both days. :3

Day one was on a Friday which meant I had to attend school. :P so I wore my default Kagamine Rin cosplay to school (wearing a jacket over it because I would rather had not been dress coded for it. >_<). Right after I went out to my car and put my wig and make up on then raced to the convention center and was able to start my awesomely amazing weekend journey. :D at registration I was shaking with so much excitement that it took me almost five minuets to fill out the tiny registration form. ^_^;;; I met my friend Moni at the registration desk, we then went and attended the last half of the Cafe panel. After the panel we just kind of walked around. I met up with a lot of my friends that I hadn't seen in forever and a half. ;3 we all talked for a while and then we attended the opening ceremonies for the con. We found a slender man cosplayer and I became his proxy. XD haha, then not long after I found a Jeff the Killer cosplayer and I totally fangirled over him. ^w^

After the opening ceremonies I got a little bored so I got my speaker out and played music. I mostly played vocaloid and other songs that I knew the dances for. :3 then this guy came up and asked me for a picture, I was excited and said yes, then he kinda stalked me for the rest of the con. >_> yeah, I had a stalker. Apparently he stalked a lot of my other friends too. I was nice to him because I'm always nice to people and I hate to tell anyone that they creep me out or I "dislike" them. I'm so glad that on Saturday I wore my Elsa because he didn't recognize and stalk me that day. -_-;;; I also randomly found a poster, I asked three times if anyone had dropped a poster, no one answered so I kept it. Later I was talking to some of the other attendees and I found the owner of the lost poster, but he said that I could keep it. X3

At some point more towards the end of the day I went into the vendor hall/artists alley. Most of the vendors and artists were packing up by the time I decided to roam around in there. I bought two buttons for $1 and that was all. Then it was time for the formal ball!! XD I was so excited and I wanted to showcase my fancy/formal Elsa but Moni wasn't able to make her fancy/formal Jack in time and I didn't have my bodice done for my Elsa, so instead we went as Daughter/Servant of Evil. :3 the dance was a whole lot of fun. ^w^ Moni and I danced to Servant of Evil and it was beautiful. Our dance was a cross between ballet and ballroom dancing. After the ball there was an hour break for everyone so they could set up for the Wiggle Fest which was just another dance. I so wish that instead of just lazing about I should've gone and attended the Plushie 101 panel. >_< -!!! But I didn't so that sucks for me. I didn't go to many panels at all for the con. I mostly just hung out with friends and walked around and such. But it was fun anyway. :3

I got home around 10:30-11pm. As soon as I got out of my cosplay I got to work on my bodice for my fancy/formal Elsa. It took me a while, not to mention that I skipped some steps and destroyed a zipper to get it done, but I finished it! I went to bed around 3am and I was super tired. =_=;;; oh what I'll do for cosplay. ^_^;;

And that was what happened on day one of Fannatiku Fest! I'll get pics up soon, sometime this week. I'll also try to post my vlog ASAP but I can't guarantee when that'll be. -_-;; thanx for reading this post and I should have day two up either later today or tomorrow. :3


Friday, March 27, 2015

Fannatiku Fest 2015 Ranting

Hello to everyone! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I'm only slightly more crazy than usual...... ok maybe more than usual. >_< This is all because I am trying to make my whole formal Elsa cosplay for Fannatiku before the con, which is today..... =_=;;;;; I just finished the majority of skirt, well the base of the skirt and the overskirt, I have yet to make the bodice/corset, and of course put in all of the detailing. TTT~TTT I am going to die...... But for now have a random insert from some random person! XD

~random excerpt!!~
Hi guys c: I like pandas and the color teal... It's a pretty color... I like musac :3 And and and and and I'm an old school kid when it comes to musac ^^ I don't ever know what to rant about o-o and it ends up with me just rambaling on and on and on about basically nothing and everything I say becomes pointless xD Um Um um um I'm only doing this cause I'm bored and I "stole" the laptop c: I hate bananas cause they make me really sick and kill me but that is because I am allergic to them and pineapples :'c And grass... Kinda sucks.. But I live!! :D And we just noticed i wrote more then the first part of the rant then I came in and wrote more! :D So I win!!... But wait... What do i win? o-o; Hmmm.... I want candy... Anyways... Um... I don't like the song I'm listening to.. So i am changing it right about now.. And now the next song I love it :D But um.... So I'm not what sure what to do.. So there is this guy... we'll call hiiimmm....... Um... Billy... And He's cute, sweet, and caring. But he just got out of an eight year relationship and he doesn't want another one for a while but he also has a 4 year old little boy.. CUTEST LITTLE BOY EVERRRRRR!!! Anyway I really like him but his age is a little problem.. But i really like him and I don't know if I should tell him or not... I'm scared to tell him cause I don't want him to look at my weird or basically say "It's never going to happen." That would crush me... And I dunno what to do basically... And it would still be weird if he liked me because of how him and I met.. Well how it happened with my father was dating his mother and he went to her house while i was with my mother over summer break. Then the next weekend i had to get school work done and she said she would help me. So that weekend i went to her house met her son Billy and his wife at the time and their child. After I left Billy and I continued to talk there was no issue cause i didn't like him then but as him and I continued to talk over several years and then him and his wife break up I realize that I really did like him. So I go to his moms all the time and just hang out there but his mom and my dad are no longer together.. So see the weirdness? Yeahh... Anyway that's my rant and my issue at the moment :D Have a nice life guys! :3
~End Excerpt!~

Yeah....... maybe I shouldn't have done that but I guess that's what I get for letting other people "steal" laptops...... >_> Yep, so Fannatiku and stuffs, then I also had to print t-shirts for my school's animation club... yay. That's what happens when you bite off more than you can chew! XD Ugh, more and more stress is just piling up on top of me and I really hate it all. But at least I've got those out of the way. :3 At least over this past weekend I got lots of fabric for my cosplay! XXXDDD So I just saved myself lots of weeding and lots of money! XD I have to get everything done in such a short amount of time and I'm going to die.......... =_= then there's the whole thing of I'm trying to get my parents to let me take my little sister to the con with me since ages and stuff work out reeeeal nice and such. :3 Of course I'm really happy that I don't have to pay for her, I had a hard time getting moneys for me to be able to even buy admission. T~T Luckily my mom saved me and gave me a twenty. :D Happy day! But that means that I have to weed the whole back yard. :P bleh, Oh well, that's what I get for procrastinating! DX But I'm glad eveything worked out for me to be able to go. :3 And I can always get my friends to buy me stuffs. >w>

I will be posting all of my Fannatiku pics of my cosplays on my World Cosplay page. All of the ones that i'm not in will be posted on my dA or tumblr or flicker or some other social media site. I will post and let you know where I've posted them all! I will be posting my con vlogs/vids to youtube as soon as I can, which may or may not take a while. ^_^;;;

If you are one of my viewers and would like to find me at Fannatiku I will be wearing four different cosplays throughout the con. the first one will be my Default Kagamine Rin for the majority of today, the second one will be Daughter of Evil for the formal dance and the rest of the day, Saturday I'll be wearing Elsa's ice dress (a more modest version), and finally for the second half of Saturday I will be wearing my fancy/formal Elsa. :3 Thanx for reading this post and I hope to see some of you at Fannatiku!


(A pic from my photo shoot that I had while I was in Cali over Spring Break. If you want to see more then go to my World Cosplay page.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary)

I am seriously fangirling to the max right now! XD I just finished watching the 50th Anniversary episode of Doctor Who, and it. Was. AWESOME!!!!!!!! XXXDDD I'm not that much of a Doctor Who fan but this episode caught my eye because of all of the fuss over it and such. ^_^ So I've finally gotten around to watching it and it was just plain awesomeness!! XD I started watching it on Netflix but I ended up watching the last episode of season 7, which was not what I wanted. So I went back through all of season 7 to see if I could find it, and I did but 15 minutes into the special my dad kicked me off of the TV so I had to finish it online. >~< If you would like to watch it for yourself then click this link: Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) Episode Link This is a link that will take you to VodLocker. Vodlocker is one of my favorite sites to use when I watch movies. The website can be used on both computers and mobile devices. So back to the fangirling and such! This episode was epic! I may have gotten more out of it if I had actually kept up on the series and such but that didn't happen so whateves. XD I hope to start Doctor Who soon though!! XD


Friday, February 27, 2015

Creepypasta x Reader Fanfics

Hey there, so I somehow got myself into Creepypasta. Now I can't stop reading Creepypasta x Reader fanfics. Specifically Jeff the Killer and Ticci Toby. Now I feel like I'll probably put together a Ticci Toby cosplay and maybe a Jeff one too, but I'm not quite sure ^_^;;; I'll have to post about it if I do. :) so this slight obsession of mine started a couple of days ago and I've slept soundly since. Although occasionally the original Jeff the Killer pic will come to mind and it scares me so I have to look behind me just to make sure he's not there. >~< but other than that it hasn't scared me all that much. Of course I've been reading the reader inserts and I can only guess that the horror and gore and stuffs has been dumbed down a lot. ^_^;; and I think that I would rather keep it that way... So yeah. I'll see if I can post some links to awesome fanfics that I've found so far. :3 That's all for now! ^w^


Monday, February 23, 2015


I know that I haven't posted in a couple of weeks but that's just cause I'm lazy like that sometimes. So enjoy this because I'll have two more posts up sometime today. ;3

Tsukigasa is a one volume manga that I read a little while ago. It has a total of 7 chapters and it doesn't take too long to read. On the website I read it on it's categorized as 'yaoi' but after reading it is more of a shounen-ai. I say this because it has very little, ahem, exposure if you know what I mean... -////- Although there is mentions of how Azuma isn't really that good in bed and such. >///< Let's just say that I was blushing quite a bit during the kiss scenes and through those conversations. Which meant I was blushing for the last half of the manga. >//////< All in all I quite liked this manga. :3 It is an adorable love story with a tragic past. The manga takes place in the Edo era, at least that's what I've found online (I'm not good with Japanese history! DX ). In the Tsukigasa the two main characters, Azuma and Kuroe, both have feelings for each other but they just can't seem to be able to tell each other. They struggle with the past, specifically when Azuma cut off Kuroe's left arm. >~< It was a very sad thing that happened. It tore the two of them apart for quite a while before being reunited. Their past is quite angsty around that event, and since it's such a short manga I'll have to stop my review here. ;) If you would like to read it then go to and search Tsukigasa. The cover art is the same as the picture below. :3 Happy reading! ^w^

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Shingeki no Neko: Attack on Cat

Pfffffft~ I probably butchered some grammar rules and such by writing the title, but hey, I had to try. ;3 So I found this adorable pic of this cat with a Shingeki no Kyojin Recon Corps cape and I had to post about it. XD This is what I'll do for my future pets. I shall make them tiny cosplays! >w<


Nerd Paradise: Utah

I am so happy!!! XXXDDD I was researching things to put on a pin for a Graphic Arts assignment and I remembered from a while ago I heard that Utah was the nerdiest state in the USA so I Googled it and came across these websites: What Are The Nerdiest States In America? and Which States are the nerdiest? You may be surprised And they made me soooooooo very happppyyyyy!!!!!! XXXDDD So now I share it with all of you. If you are a nerd you shall be very happy in Utah because nerds run the place. X3 Not to mention that our Salt Lake Comic Con brought in a huge crowd it's first year. I heard that the crowd was about the size of the San Diego Comic Con crowd during the con's sixth or seventh year. YEAH! NERDS UNITE!!! XXXXDDDD I hope to see you all at one of our anime conventions! ^w^


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Formal Elsa Cosplay

Heyllo everyone! ^w^ I thought that since I've only posted reviews and such on this blog, I'd post something about an upcoming cosplay that I've started working on. Which is a 'formal' Elsa. The cosplay will be based off of a fan art pic that I found while browsing for reference pics for my ice dress. It's a very complicated and detailed cosplay and I'm giving myself two months to make it. ^_^;;; This is going to be a huge challenge for me but I think I can do it. :3 I only have two months because there's a local con that I want to debut it at, and said con is at the end of March. Luckily I have spring break before the con and I can use it to get a ton of the dress/cosplay done. :3

I've just completed finding patterns and now I have to get moneys to buy fabric for my corset mock-ups, then I'll get the fabric for everything else. I've gotten some beads that I like that I'll use for the front bit of her dress. :3 Other than that I have yet to buy anything else. >_< Hopefully I'll be able to get most of my fabrics by the end of this month and start working on it too. Wish me luck!! XD

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tokyo Ghoul's Opening: Unravel Dubstep Remix

I love the anime Tokyo Ghoul, I just finished watching the latest episode of Tokyo Ghoul Root A. I will rave about it in a different post. ;3 But in this post I'll rave about this Dubstep remix my friend showed me a little while back. The song for this specific remix is sung by Hatsune Miku. I absolutely love Vocaloid so it's an up for me. ^w^ The remix is but together very nicely and it is just plain amazing. XD The bass is a very important part of the song for me and it has a very prominent bass, at least through my speakers/sound system. :3 The whole song is It's just wow. I love it so much of course not everyone will live the song as much as me but I hope you at least give it a chance and give it a listen. :)

unravel feat. Hatsune Miku - Dubstep [ dj-Jo Remix ] Full Version

Angel's Feather

I just finished an anime called Angel's Feather and to say the least it was quite.....interesting..... -_-;;; I enjoyed it very much though! If you're looking for a yaoi anime then I would recommend it. :3 Although I've read online that it's more of a shounen-ai. There isn't any hardcore stuff happening but there it a kiss and several innuendoes through out the two episodes. Yes, there are only two episodes. They could've made it much longer if they wanted to. There was enough of the plot left open to create another anime, but judging by the animation style Angel's Feather the anime is an older one. I wish they would've spaced it out and flushed the details more with this anime. They squished a good five episode's worth of plot into each of the two episodes. There are also things that don't quite make any sense and events that aren't quite connected to each other. Not to mention that there was little to no character development throughout the anime.

I guess some of these problems could be associated with the anime being based off of a PC computer game. I haven't played the game so I have no idea how the characters are developed or how the plot line links together. For all I know the plot and character development could be amazing. So I guess I should put that on my super long to-do list. XD I guess that's all for now!


Friday, January 30, 2015

Homestuck Web Comic

I have finally succumbed to the Homestuck fandom. >_< After three years, three YEARS, of avoiding it I finally succumbed. =_=;;;;; The only reason being that I can watch the Let's Read series on YouTube. :) I've already started Act 5 and I'm not sure if I like the trolls. : / I was warned beforehand that they swear a lot, but I wasn't aware that they swore that much! I know that they're essential to the story, but I'm a little Mormon girl and I don't like how much swearing is going on. >~< I do like the Beta kids though. :3 I think my personality is most like Jade, I don't randomly fall asleep but I do have a very short attention span and I'm a bit of a scatter brain. Not to mention that I have a terrible horrible memory, just like her. ^_^;;; So I was thinking that I might want to make her 3am dress. :3 When I was looking through random Homestuck cosplay pics I found one of that specific cosplay and I instantaneously wanted to cosplay her. X3 It'll be a nice challenge for my sewing and cosplay skills. ^w^ And so I will continue my Homestuck journey! ^w^

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Another Idea, Another Blog

Here's another blog for me to most likely ignore. ;3 I decided that I was going to start this blog so that I can recount all of my cosplay adventures to all of you to read and laugh at. :) I will also be posting about recent animes that I have watched and probably mangas too. I'd love for you guys to give me recommendations! ^w^ I hope this blog will become as big as my tutorial blog; Simple Cosplay Tutorials. Of course my blog won't go anywhere without readers and fans and such. So I guess I'll leave it up to you, my readers, if this blog skyrockets into popularity or is a complete and total flop. >_<