Monday, February 23, 2015


Hi guys! ^_^ So today in this post I'll be reviewing/talking to you about the manga series +Anima. Beware this will probably be more of a rant and I will most likely slip up and give you spoilers, so if you don't want that then don't read! 

I loved this series!!! XD It's a fairly short series, the total length is 9 volumes/59 chapters. I read it all over the weekend. If you would like to read the series I'll post a link at the end of this post. :) +Anima is a wonderful series, it's mostly action adventure. But don't let that fool you! Each of the main characters have a really sad back story, except for Cooro. So in this universe there are people, usually kids ages 14 or younger, that have 'special powers' each of these powers vary from person to person. In order to get an anima and become what is know as a +Anima, a child has to go through a very traumatic event that brings them close to death. Hence why all of the characters, except Cooro, have sad back stories. D: The manga doesn't really have a plot most of the time, it's more of a travel journal than a story. But there are some chapters where they stay longer in one place and it creates more of a story. The biggest plot happens at the end and it had me on the edge of my seat. I almost cried because of what happened. T^T But then I didn't because it was all good after a few pages. ^w^ Honestly I didn't really get what the ending was all about. It was as if the author suddenly decided that they didn't want to write +Anima anymore and just ended it without thinking of a more plausible ending. >~< Or maybe it's just me and my brain that doesn't like to understand stuffs. : / If the ending makes sense to you then please comment and tell me what the crap is going on! I guess I'll tell you a little bit  DX Thanx for reading anyway though! ^w^

+Anima Manga Link

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