Saturday, January 31, 2015

Angel's Feather

I just finished an anime called Angel's Feather and to say the least it was quite.....interesting..... -_-;;; I enjoyed it very much though! If you're looking for a yaoi anime then I would recommend it. :3 Although I've read online that it's more of a shounen-ai. There isn't any hardcore stuff happening but there it a kiss and several innuendoes through out the two episodes. Yes, there are only two episodes. They could've made it much longer if they wanted to. There was enough of the plot left open to create another anime, but judging by the animation style Angel's Feather the anime is an older one. I wish they would've spaced it out and flushed the details more with this anime. They squished a good five episode's worth of plot into each of the two episodes. There are also things that don't quite make any sense and events that aren't quite connected to each other. Not to mention that there was little to no character development throughout the anime.

I guess some of these problems could be associated with the anime being based off of a PC computer game. I haven't played the game so I have no idea how the characters are developed or how the plot line links together. For all I know the plot and character development could be amazing. So I guess I should put that on my super long to-do list. XD I guess that's all for now!


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